Rent a boat and a scooter

Rent a boat and a scooter

Noleggio Scooter

Spostarsi tra le bellezze artistiche e naturalistiche sul motorino fa sentire liberi.

Noleggio Gommoni

Le acque cristalline del mare che bagna l’isola di Capri meritano di essere vissute da vicino.

Chi Siamo

Venite da noi per le migliori offerte di noleggio scooter e gomoni.

Siete sempre i benvenuti!

Prenotate subito e approfitate dalle nostre offertte!

oasi motor sas

Rent a boat Capri

Oasi Motor offers a unique experience to rent a boat on Capri. This exclusive service allows everyone to enjoy the turquoise waters without the need for a boat license. The dinghies, easy to manoeuvre, are the ideal solution for exploring the coast of Capri in total autonomy. Oasi Motor’s rent a boat on Capri makes sea adventures accessible to everyone, from beginners to expert sailors. With affordable rates and dedicated support, Oasi Motor establishes itself as the perfect choice for those wishing to enjoy an uncomplicated marine experience on the enchanting island of Capri.

Rent a scooter Capri

Oasi Motor combines the convenience of rent a scooter on Capri, offering a unique way to explore the island. Scooter hire on Capri is the perfect way to move nimbly through the scenic roads, discovering hidden corners and spectacular views. Our scooters, available in a variety of engine sizes, guarantee an effortless and stylish riding experience. With competitive rates and impeccable service, rent a scooter on Capri at Oasi Motor is the ideal choice for those wishing to fully experience the magic of the island, enjoying freedom and comfort on two wheels. Explore Capri with class and practicality aboard our quality scooters.

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